Natural and Home Remedies

Psoriasis Home Remedy

Psoriasis Home Remedy

Signs and Symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious disease that is characterized by itchiness and a skin rash. The rash is usually red and slightly raised, with silvery, scaling patches on top of the red regions. The infection usually affects the elbows, knees, scalp, fingernails, and trunk of the body. Psoriasis can also lead to arthritis-like joint pain.

Note that it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between psoriasis and eczema, since both often exhibit similar symptoms. A common way to differentiate between the two diseases is by seeing which area of the body is affected. Psoriasis often affects the back of the elbows and front of the knees (extensor surfaces), while eczema usually affects the inside of the arms and the back of the knees (flexor surfaces). Eczema is also more often found on the ankles than psoriasis.

Causes of Psoriasis

The underlying cause of psoriasis is unknown. However, what we do know is that the symptoms of psoriasis occur when skin cells begin to mature more rapidly than normal. As a result, these poorly developed cells cannot shed quickly, resulting in a build-up of skin which leads to the thick and scaly rash.

Suspected triggers of psoriasis include:

  • Family history of psoriasis.
  • Stress or anxiety.
  • Reaction to certain drugs.
  • Certain infections such as strep throat.
  • Drinking alcohol.

A few studies have also found that decreasing the consumption of fatty meats (such as pork) helps to reduce the appearance of scaly psoriasis patches. Reducing caffeine consumption was found to have a similar effect.

Home Remedies and Natural Treatments for Psoriasis

Baking Soda

Baking soda is an effective way to treat the itchiness associated with psoriasis. Simply dissolve 1/3 cup of baking soda into 1 gallon of water, and then soak a washcloth into this mixture. Wring out the cloth and then apply it directly to the affected skin. Repeat this several times.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil has been found to be an excellent natural treatment for relieving psoriasis. A common recommendation is to take 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil each day. It can either be consumed directly from the spoon, or you can mix it into a fruit smoothie, sautee vegetables with it, or use it as a replacement for butter when eating pancakes. Another option is to apply coconut oil topically onto the affected area 3 times per day.

Petroleum Jelly

One of the best ways to control the build-up of skin that occurs due to psoriasis is to make sure skin is well moisturized. Petroleum jelly is an effective moisturizer, so simply apply a small amount to the affected areas each day especially after taking a bath or a shower. It is also important to apply moisturizer within a few minutes after a bath or shower.


Many doctors prescribe artificial ultraviolet light treatments to patients suffering from psoriasis. A less expensive alternative is to simply get more sunlight! Start with 5-10 minutes of sun exposure, preferably during non-peak hours. Gradually increase exposure time, but avoid overexposure and use sun protection for unaffected areas. Exposure to the sun can enhance the production of Vitamin D, which has been found to be effective at treating psoriasis.

Psoriasis Free for Life

A new eBook called Psoriasis Free for Life suggests that psoriasis can be cleared away within 2 weeks using their natural remedy. We haven't tried this out, but they offer a 100% money back guarantee, so it might be worth a try if your psoriasis is particularly bad and no other techniques have worked. Click here to learn more about this treatment.

Chamomile Tea Bath

Chamomile is believed to help reduce the inflammation associated with psoriasis, while also potentially helping to inhibit further growth of psoriasis plaque. So here's a great natural remedy for psoriasis that is also calming and relaxing at the same time! Simply take 4 or 5 chamomile tea bags, and steep them in 4 cups of boiling water for about 15 minutes. Let the tea cool slightly, and then mix the entire tea into a bathtub full of warm water. Swish it all around so that it is spread evenly throughout the bathtub, and then take a soak in the tub for around 20 minutes.


  1. on said:

    I struggled with eczema for years - It interfered with my job, my sleep, and my emotional well-being. My hand was covered in tiny blisters that were itchy, which then dried and my hand would crack.
    I tried dozens of products and even prescriptions from the doctor. I stumbled upon the Made From Earth Pure Aloe Treatment and within days my hand was clearing up. It cleared up fully and now I use the the treatment 4-5 times a week to keep it away. If I stop using this aloe, my eczema comes back. I apply this oil, and it goes away again.
    If you struggle with eczema, especially Dyshidrotic Eczema, please trust me and give this a shot!

  2. on said:

    I have had psoriasis for 10 years and used Otezla (prescription) for it. I have had two bouts with upper respiratory infection and headaches twice recently and was taken off Otezla both times. I am now trying Vaseline and virgin coconut oil to clear up the plaque. It itches and hurts. I have it on my scalp, my neck, in my ears, on my right elbow, and right hand. Because I have an infection, the rheumatologist cannot put me on another prescription medicine. Any ideas?

  3. on said:

    Fish oil is also one of the best remedies for Psoriasis. It contains alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - these acids suppress the formation of leukotrienes.

  4. on said:

    Thanks for your suggestions! I have started using coconut oil. I would like to ask you one thing. Should I mix lemon juice or use pure coconut oil only?

  5. on said:

    I have very sensitive skin and get skin allergies all the time. My dermatologist recommended Aloe Jojoba Lotion. It is a wonderful, thick and creamy lotion, and really soothes dry, and damaged skin. If you've got psoriasis or exzema, this is for you! I've had a hard time finding a lotion that didn't make me break out. Love this!

  6. on said:

    I have eczema on my dominant hand, making my fingertips painfully cracked and itchy occasionally. I purchased Foderma serum as one of three to try to relieve my symptoms. The serum is a bit heavy on my hands (a little goes a long way!), but does do the trick at relieving the worst of the itching and painfulness that sometimes occurs.

  7. on said:

    Please try coconut oil for psoriasis. it's amazing! xx

  8. on said:

    For psoriasis, Please please try rubbing organic coconut oil in the affected area a few times a day and at night. It has almost cleared mine up in about 3 days and I'm sure by the end of next week it will be all gone. I've had psoriasis for about 10 years and even steroids didn't clear it. Please give it a try - it's cheap and brilliant!

  9. on said:

    For Psoriasis, I put Tenovate ointment and then put a plastic polythene on the affected skin. Doing it 2 to 3 times daily for 2 to 4 days helps.

  10. on said:

    @Jenan, yes, organic and cold pressed Coconut oil helps with psoriasis when applied topically. Apply it liberally 3-4 times daily on the affected skin. Also you can replace your cooking oil with it, if you like the taste. It's way better, health-wise, than the regular vegetable oils out there.

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