Signs and Symptoms of Acne
Acne is the common term used for a skin disorder that frequently appears as small elevated pimples on the face, back, chest, and shoulders. About 80% of teens are affected by acne to some degree, and it sometimes even occurs in adults up to the age of 40 if not treated properly. The image on the right shows an individual suffering from a moderate amount of acne on the face.
There are two major types of acne:
- Non-inflammatory Acne: This type of acne typically appears as whiteheads or blackheads, and they can be treated with non-prescription acne medications and acne home remedies.
- Inflammatory Acne: Non-inflammatory acne, if not treated properly with effective acne medication, can lead to inflammation, which may cause more serious skin eruptions and pimples such as papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts (described below).
Acne can be divided into the following minor categories, based on appearance:
- Acne Papules are a small, red form of acne pimples (less than 5mm) that are slightly elevated above the skin's surface. A group of small acne papules gives a sandpaper-like feel if touched.
- Acne Pustules are similar to acne papules but they are more dome-shaped and filled with pus.
- Acne Nodules are a severe form of acne which are painful and inflammatory. They are seated deep in the layers of the skin and can take up to 2 months to heal. If not treated properly, this form of acne can also lead to permanent acne scars.
- Acne Cysts are severely inflamed, sac-like nodules which can reach up to several centimeters in diameter. Acne cysts are sometimes referred to as nodulocystic acne, and people suffering from this type of severe acne should seek immediate medical care.
Causes of Acne
Acne is a skin disorder caused by plugged pores of the skin. Human skin has a middle layer called the dermis which is made up of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. These glands produce an oily substance called sebum that is used to naturally moisturize and lubricate the skin. The face, back, chest, and shoulders contain a large concentration of these glands.
Throughout life, and particularly during puberty, humans produce hormones such as androgen and progesterone that lead to an overproduction of sebum. As a result, this excess sebum plugs the follicle canals and skin pores, leading to blackheads and whiteheads.
Blackheads form when sebum combines with skin pigments and plugs the pores. Whiteheads are slightly elevated from the skin but, unlike blackheads, are not very visible because their opening to the skin's surface is narrower or sometimes closed.
If these two forms of acne are not treated immediately, an infection may occur. If this happens, the body's immune system sends white blood cells to the area to fight the infection, which causes inflammation. If the infection is still not treated, the inflammation can become worse and lead to the more serious forms of acne.
Home Remedies for Acne Treatment
Acne Home Remedy Using Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is an effective natural agent that cures acne by killing the bacteria and balancing our skin's pH level (which is a measure of acidity). It also absorbs excessive oil from our skin, which is a leading cause of acne.
- Dilute the Apple Cider Vinegar in water by one part of vinegar and 3 to 4 parts of water.
- Apply the solution directly to your skin with clean cotton, and leave it there for about ten minutes.
- After ten minutes, rinse off the vinegar.
- Repeat this three times a day. For severe cases of acne, the solution can be used overnight without rinsing.
For more severe acne, the water ratio can also be reduced to 2 or 3 parts per one part of vinegar, but this stronger solution should not be left on overnight.
Acne Home Remedy Using Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Oil is a great anti-bacterial natural substance. When applied on acne, tea tree oil helps the immune system to kill the bacteria and consequently reduce the inflammation. Using Tea Tree Oil in conjunction with Vitamin E supplements (an anti-oxidant) and an excellent healing agent, can not only heal the blemishes but also cure scar tissues.
- Dab a cotton swab into the tea tree oil.
- Gently apply the oil onto the acne areas with the swab before going to bed.
- Rinse off the tea tree oil in the morning.
- Take Vitamin E supplements as directed on the package to speed up the healing process.
Acne No More eBook
There is a new eBook that claims to provide an all natural cure for stopping acne within 3 days. The easy, step-by-step guide offers:
- Freedom from the pain of sores, bumps, whiteheads, and blackheads, and techniques to reduce the risk of permanent scarring.
- Information on how you can stop acne at the root of the problem, instead of just masking the symptoms.
- Freedom from popping pills, their side effects, and the problems associated with putting unknown chemicals on your skin.
For acne and pimples, try Bajaj No Marks. I have tried it and using this product for last 5 months and it seems to be very effective.
Good stuff! I especially enjoyed the good information you talked about. I’m very happy to find this awesome blog. Anyway, I want to talk about the relation between acne and chocolate because I have suffered from Cystic acne for many years and thank God I have recovered from this disease. The main reason my condition worsened was chocolate, but when I stopped eating it in addition to taking the medication, acne quickly faded away naturally.
I want to make sure that everyone knows that chocolate was a major cause of acne for me.
Love these tips. I use zit clay & tea tree oil, too (recommended by my aesthetician).
Caty Jo, try adding 2 drops of Tea Tree oil in your face-wash every time you wash your face. Also using witch hazel as a toner afterwards helps with acne and its astringent activity helps with oily skin. I have been using both for a few tears and am acne-free since.
I have extremely sensitive skin on my face. I can't find anything to clean my face without breaking out. Even cleansers for sensitive skin break me out. My skin is so oily. I am 1/2 Italian. Any suggestions?
@Roshni, Try applying diluted Apple Cider Vinegar or diluted Tea Tree Oil onto the affected skin. Both the ACV and Tea Tree Oil have shown to help with acne. Please read the remedies in detail above on this page. Hope it helps!
I have started getting pimples 10 days before the onset of my menstruation period every month. They hurt a lot and leave marks when they heal. My skin is a bit dry and sensitive. I've tried Multani Mitti/Clay - it helped a bit but new pimple showed up the next month. I hate how much these pimples hurt. Please advise if I should try some other home made remedy?
Does it work? Anybody else tried charcoal?
I would take some activated charcoal at bedtime with plenty of water for a couple weeks and see if it's the gut, or bad bacteria overgrowth? Eat kefir in the morning. Start with low dose and work up to a cup a day. Apply activated charcoal with castor oil (make a thin paste) on skin and let it sit for an hour , I know it's messy. It gets in the pores so you have to scrub it off. Put some kefir on skin when you are done or some red wine. Take some L-taurine to see if msg in body is behind the acne. Blessings, Kay
Try calamine lotion for acne. It doesn't sting like tea tree oil or vinegars or perfume. Put it on before bed on affected areas, you will be surprised with the results.